Friday, June 01, 2007


The Business Side of Music Podcast with Tom Sabella and Amanda Keane is growing in listeners everyday. We have recorded this podcast to help musicians grow as business people. You can subscribe to the podcast by going to and clicking on podcast. Take a listen and let us know what you think. We’d like your input on something you would like us to address on our next show.

Establishing Relationships, connection with people is something you do, or should be doing every day and you must continue to work at it. Several years ago I had the opportunity to speak at the marketing education national conference in Cleveland Ohio. This year I was asked to return and speak to the folks at their conference in Nashville, TN. I am honored to be asked back. I talk a lot about cultivating relationships and this is a case where building a relationship and keeping in touch with the folks at the Marking Education national office worked. By sending them my monthly newsletter they remembered me and asked if I would like to speak again. This is a great example of maintaining lasting relationships. Everyone you come in contact with is a potential connection who may play an important role in your future.

In my book Don’t Get Taken-Take Control you will find 12 things that every musician needs to know. One point that I stress is that you are a business person as well as a musician. In a recent conversation with an artist I was explaining my thoughts on this. he was quick to answer that there was no way that he could be both, he just wants to play music. My reply to him was that if you don’t take care of your business no one will and you will end up with nothing. Be smart and study the business world so you can be a successful survivor in the music business.

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