Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Infuence of Positive

The Influence of Positive

Everyone would remember him. He’s the fun-loving guy who does the booking for that local band. You remember him because he consistently remembers you. He seems to really care about your opinion of this group he promotes. And don’t forget, he’s the guy who said “Thank you for giving us the opportunity to play here. What a great place you have. We hope to come back again soon.” Not everyone includes that in their response to your place. This is also the same guy who called a week later to see when they could come back and said again how fun it was to play ‘your crowd’. You will always remember him because of his positive attitude and because you believe he is a decent person with great people skills. That goes a long way in this business.

Are you that kind of promoter of your music or your band’s music? When, and if people remember you, is it because you influenced them with an upbeat can-do attitude? Or is their memory of you one of a picky, hard to work with diva who needs a lot of back patting? “By far, the best proof is experience.” Sir Francis Bacon hit it right on the money when he said that. Everyone judges their moments in life by the experience of it or how it made them feel, if you will. How is your promoter making other’s feel in the experience of your music?

Maybe you are actually in that lucky band being led by a true ‘people person’. Good for you. Count yourself fortunate and be sure to tell that person that you realize their value. And unfortunately, there are so many of you who’s reputation is being drug around by an ego wheeling career wrecker. If you haven’t realized it by now, a positive attitude is one of the key signs you are being led and/or promoted by the right individual. If most people do not feel better after being in your promoter’s presence consider his or her attitude a liability to your success. In his book, Don’t get Taken- Take Control, Tom Sabella drives home this point with the statement “A positive attitude is a must. It is the drive to keep going forward, looking on the bright side, learning from mistakes, and influencing others to do the same.” He goes on to give several other key points that make the right kind of leader for your band or your solo career. He points out that every promoter’s personal toolbox should include resilience, loyalty, follow- through and discipline, integrity, and one of the most vital career building qualities- a ‘big picture’ mindset. Hopefully these attributes remind you of your own promoter. And if the primary promoter is you, evaluate your own positive attitude to be sure you are encouraging the best of every contact person you meet and from every venue you are involved in. Positive attitudes get positive results.

Christylee Roose

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