Monday, October 20, 2008

Podcast Awards

The Business Side of Music receives Nomination for Podcast Awards!

The Business Side of Music Podcast has made it to the top 10 business nominated shows for the Podcast Awards!

A big thanks to all of you who participated!

It's not over yet! Now the voting begins!
Here's the details from the Podcast Awards site:

  • Voting starts October 23, 2008 until November 6th, 2008.
  • Each Person / IP address will be allowed to vote once a day in each category.
  • 100% e-mail verification of all votes will take place, failure to click on a vote will result in no vote being placed. A verification e-mail with clickable link will be e-mailed to you so that you will have to verify the vote.
In case you were wondering, nominated podcasts were selected by the review committee on the basis of:
  • Number of Nominations 40%
  • Quality of Website Design 15%
  • Quality of Sound 15%
  • Quality of Podcast Delivery and Show Format 10%
  • Relevance of Content 20%

The top 10 nominees in each category are posted on the Podcast Awards site, where the voting will be done.

Please, let others know about the Podcast Awards site. There are a lot of great shows out there that were nominated and deserve a listen!

Thanks again for your support!
Tom and Traci

1 comment:

Billy Pumphrey said...

Hey Tom and Traci.

Thank you for your podcast, it sure helps people that do not know nothing. It help them learn, which I believe is your goal hey? :)

I had some trouble finding the comment link, text is a little too small. Might be my screen, but seems like the style sheet could use a slightly bigger font size. Also the picture to the right is a little pixalated.

Thought that I would give a few cents of good feedback.

Thank you and keep it up.