Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Posts From Our Listeners

    I love the show... listen to it on my ipod via podcast when I can.

    I interned at a Publishing company on the row this summer, and had an interesting experience while I was in town. I just got done listening to the "Watch Out for the Sharks" episode, and I thought I would finally chime in and say hello.

    Ok, as soon as I got into town, I thought I should go out every night to meet as many people as I could with the time I had. I had friends who had also interned in town, and they advised me to become a regular at Losers... and so I did. I did meet some very great people there, including publishers/producers/writers and enjoyed the bar-room conversations we had.

    And now the juice: One night, I was hanging out with a few friends I had made (at Losers), and they introduced me to this guy who was making himself to appear as a big shot producer. We ended up on the porch passing a guitar around (I do write... big shocker aye?), and later the group went back inside. I wound up on the porch with the "big producer" and he began to lay it on THICK.

    I mentioned how I had picked out some songs for Kenny Chesney, but I found out at the pitch meeting that he was done with his album and was communicating how much of a disappointment that was to me as a freshman trying to prove my ear. This guy pulls his cellphone out and shows me how he's got "Kenny Chesney's" name programmed into his phone... he dials and leaves this BS message. Now I had been introduced to him through "friends," and I didn't know what to make of that.

    Later, he goes on about this, that, and the other-- tells me he's got credits on 30+ gold records (which I did know enough to know that people who have those kind of credentials don't brag about it), but still I humored him.

    At any rate, a few days later some friends came to visit. The guy called me to invite us up to grill out at his "house" (apartment). One of my friends visiting is family members with one of the big shots the 'producer' said he was great friends with. So, we went to his cookout (if for nothing else but for the entertainment of watching him choke on his own foot).

    We got there, and I went to use his restroom. I found it intriguing that out of all the 30+ gold record credits he supposedly had, he didn't have the first framed record (of any caliber) on his walls, though he did have Concert Shirts with work passes hanging over them. Interestingly enough, none of them had his name on them, so I started turning them over. Now, here's the greatest part-- over half of them said "$15.00" on the back. This dude probably picked them up at Fan Fair.

    Well, I'm sure you've experienced enough similar experiences, and I'll not mention names. I just thought you would value my sharing the experience.
    I love the show and am looking forward to the next episode.
    -Wes Day

    posted by: Wes Day on Tue, 10/7 12:22 PM EDT

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