Monday, October 07, 2013

Nashville ‘Discover Me’ Open Mic and Live Broadcast

You’re invited to showcase your songwriting or singing talents at our weekly “Discover Me’ open mic and live broadcast! The events are every Saturday from 2-5 PM CST in our video studio in Nashville.
Why showcase?
  • NEW FANS! Add the live StreetJelly viewers to your fan base/mailing list!
  • GET GIGS! Invite venue managers and booking agents to see you perform live regardless of where they are!
  • STAY IN TOUCH WITH CURRENT FANS – Invite your fans to view your showcase matter where they are in the world! It keeps you in the forefront of their minds.
  • MEET NEW SONGWRITERS! Find new co-writers from the other performing writers/artists!
  • SELL MORE MUSIC – If your music is for sale online, we’ll direct the viewers to it!
  • GET ACCUSTOMED TO PERFORMING IN FRONT OF CAMERAS - If you’ve never performed in front of the camera, this is your chance to get some no-pressure experiEnce!
  • GET A GREAT MULTI-CAMERA, HD LIVE VIDEO OF YOUR PERFORMANCE– This is ideal for promoting your live shows as well as for posting on your website and YouTube. There is a charge for this based on your individual needs. Contact
Every Saturday, 2013
2:00 PM CDT - 5:00 PM CDT
120 Donelson Pike, Ste. 201

United States

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