Sunday, May 29, 2005

Advertising vs. Public Relations

Advertising vs. Public Relations
A Game Both Sides Win

The best publicity is often free publicity. Getting a story about your group in the local newspapers or on TV can be more powerful than a paid advertisement. Publicity is free and is also a part of an ongoing public relations program. When seeking free publicity you have no control over how the media presents you or the information you send them. They may choose not to use your information at all. There is no guarantee that the press will cover your concert just because you sent them something. Do your homework. Get to know your local media and find the ones that cover your type of music. Once you find the media (newspaper, TV, radio, Internet and trade publications) find the name of the person in charge and start to build a relationship with him or her. Don’t be overbearing, start out by sending a press release and follow up with a phone call. Many times the media is having a slow day and they will pick up your event. The better they know you the more likely they will pick up your story. As you develop these relationships a meeting over coffee is a great door opener to get to know the person directly. Also take these steps slowly so as not to be a pest. When submitting a press release about your event find a hook that will make your story stand out. Just having a concert is not as interesting as a concert supporting a local charity. A CD release party is also more interesting to the reader than simply having a concert. Your story should have an angle that is amusing, informative or timely.

Advertising works. It gets your name out to a large number of people with relatively little work on your part. But it costs money. This is where the difference between public relation and advertising differ. When advertising you know exactly when your ad will air or be published. Since your are paying for the space, you have creative control on what goes into an ad. You can run your ad over and over again. An ad has a longer time span than a press release.

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