Sunday, May 01, 2005

Are You Ready for Manager

Are you ready for a manager

It is said that businesses fail, not because of a poor product or because of an unproven market. Nine out of ten businesses fail because of management incompetence.
Remember you are a musician and a businessperson all wrapped in one.
I’m asked so many times by young groups to be their manager. The first thing I ask them is "Can you afford me". Then I ask them how many times a week are you playing and how much do you make? These are questions to ask yourself before you decide to hire a manager.
You should get a manager whenever the business end of your career is becoming too much to handle, or when you feel someone with connections and energy could help take it to the next level. Managers at this stage can get involved in everything from booking local shows for you, shopping a record deal, booking studio time, They basically execute and handle all those aspects of you career. You should DEFINTELY have a manager at the point in your career when any kind of deal has to be made.

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