Saturday, December 06, 2008



What is volumMonster?
volumMonster allows Fans to redeem, download, and enjoy FREE content from great Artists! Think of it as a virtual back stage pass! Fans can also exchange and share codes and files with the friends and family!

How do I join?
Go to and click the "Join Us" link and set up a Fan!

Artists - if you would like to offer content to Fans, click on the Artist link on the "Join Us" Page.

What am I redeeming?
An Artist's Code that unlocks the download of their Free content files - Audio Files, Video Files, and much, much more!

Don't have a code?
Try volumMonster's "Code of The Week"! Soon we will be adding a SEARCH function!

Be the first to receive exclusive content and artist info - available only on volumMonster! Help us spread the word about your favorite artists!

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