Monday, February 24, 2014

The Business Side of Music Show #91

They Don't Know That They Don't Know
Tom Sabella and Royce Taylor 

The Podcast is Free @ But if you have
received value from listening to the Free Show, Show your
love with a Donation. Just click on the link below.

Check out this episode!
A 10 dollar donation is all it takes to get an education in the music business
Dear Podcast Listener,
Just wanted to let you know that I have changed my mind and have decided to continue recording The Business Side of Music Podcast. Traci will be at my side as always, helping making the show better than I could ever do.
There will be some news thing happening along with more interviews with some very influential music business people.
As we continue to go forward I am asking you to pass the word about our show to all your Social network family. If you have found the podcast to be of value, and have leaned from what Traci and I share, We ask you to donate to help us defray the cost of producing the podcast. Just click on the yellow button below and make a donation. A 10 dollar donation is all it takes to get an education in the music business.

Check out this episode!

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